Off on and assortment




China passed Russia to become #3 on the world consumption list. Since then, China’s oil consumption has more than doubled from over 3 million to over 7 million barrels a day. The U.S.’s has grown from 17 million to over 20 million barrels a day.

But Japan has actually shrunk in terms of its oil consumption in those 12 years ? from 5.7 to only 5.1 million barrels a day!


If we look at this statistic in constant 2007 dollar terms, Japan’s labor productivity has held steady as a percentage of the U.S.’s since 1991 (at or around 70%).

This means Japan has been able to keep pace with an economic giant like the U.S. in terms of hourly productivity, without needing to import any more oil.

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China's workforce will peak in seven years (the delayed fruit of the one-child policy) and then go into the steepest downward spiral ever seen by a large nation in peacetime. It will, and do so long before it is rich. This demographic implosion cannot be reversed quickly.


China must soon slam on the breaks as inflation hits 8.5 per cent, or let overheating get out of control. "The Chinese will have to slow sharply, and it will start in earnest this autumn," he said.


Much the same can be said of Vietnam, Russia, Argentina, the Gulf states, now inflating at double digit rates. The Emerging Bloc has hit the buffers. They either pop their bubbles, or spiral into hyper-land -- from which no government ever returns safely.

The fat reserves of Russia, China, East Asia, and Latin America may cushion them from investor flight, but these holdings cannot cushion them from a home-bred squeeze. The game must soon be up.

In answer to the commodity bulls, yes, the super-cycle is here to stay. Peak oil, peak metals, and peak food all loom, to some degree. But that does not preclude vigorous mini-cycles along the way.


穀物価格高騰ってそれが全てではないけどアメリカが方針転換し、環境問題を二酸化炭素のみに焦点を当てて各国にトップダウンの削減目標を義務付けた京都議定書にも責任があるんじゃないの?EUでは別の視点が取り入れられてるみたいだけど、環境問題ってそんな単純じゃないと思うし、そもそも100%地球は温暖化していると決めつけている今の風潮には違和感を感じる。報道の姿勢として一つの意見だけでなく両方の意見を報じるべきだと思うが、海外の科学者で地球温暖化に反対意見を述べている人はたくさんいるのに、日本じゃほとんど取り上げられていないように感じる。テレビ局で地球の気温が下がっている地域があるなんて放送している?(見てないから知らないけど 笑)
