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25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence

1. Groom yourself.
2. Dress nicely.
3. Photoshop your self-image.
4. Think positive.
5. Kill negative thoughts.
6. Get to know yourself.
7. Act positive.
8. Be kind and generous.
9. Get prepared.
10. Know your principles and live them.
11. Speak slowly.
12. Stand tall.
13. Increase competence.
14. Set a small goal and achieve it.
15. Change a small habit. Not a big one,
16. Focus on solutions.
17. Smile.
18. Volunteer.
19. Be grateful.
20. Exercise.
21. Empower yourself with knowledge.
22. Do something you’ve been procrastinating on.
23. Get active.
24. Work on small things.
25. Clear your desk.


 そしてその身近にいる尊敬する人にいつも言われる言葉がいくつか入っていて、特に11.Speak Slowlyには恐れ入った。まさにその通り、人に何かを伝えるときに早口で話すのはマイナス。本々聞きとりにくいのでことさらゆっくり話すように気をつけること。