Off on and assortment


水、水、水。 トッププロのレース中平均出力と共に。

Floyd would regularly perform 6-hour rides at 300-310 watt averages. As a point of reference, the overall average for the mountain days in the 2006 Tour de France was 269 watts +/- 16 watts, while the average in the 2005 Tour de France for the mountains was 274 watts +/- 20 watts.

  • Col des Saises: 36 min 55 sec at 395 watts (gains time on field)
  • Col des Aravis: 16 min 49 sec at 371 watts (loses time on field)
  • Col de la Colombiere: 27 min 45 sec at 392 watts (gains time on field)
  • Cote de Chatillon: 11 min 7 sec at 374 watts (loses time on field)
  • Col de Joux Plane: 37 min 34 sec at 372 watts (loses time on field)

The fact of the matter is for these athletes, heat dissipation is one of the most important factors determining performance. Either blood is used to cool them or used to deliver oxygen. The cooler the body, the more blood is available for producing power. With this in mind, Floyd went through a staggering 70 water bottles that day. He drank approximately 15 carbohydrate/electrolyte bottles and poured the rest -- ice cold water -- over his head and body. In the pack, from our previous day bottle counts, we know that the average rider can only get 10 to 15 bottles.


英語引用部からUCIプロツアー選手は練習/レースではAvg300 watt/6hで走っているという。また390ワットで走ると後ろの集団との差が広がり、370ワット程度に落ちると集団との差が縮まったらしい。

